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July 9, 2024, 10:11 a.m. -  Lynx .

Bit defensive there Pete aren't we. I hold ALL brands to not put forth marketing BS like Goldilocks feel and/or best compliance etc without giving actual details of how they test it, I studied marketing, my BS meter is quite tuned for it and the buzz words of BS. I call BS whenever I see it, I'm just so sick and tired of it, just give honest fvcking info for people to make decisions by, especially on something like a bar that can have "adverse" health effects if it turns out to be just a "tad" too flexy for you and break etc., also to the other side where a way too stiff bar can cause serious damage to lighter riders. If you're going to say your bars are "tuned" per width, then give some numbers, like "With a 200lb weight hanging off the end, at 800mm wide, the bar deflects 5mm, at 760mm the bar deflects only 3mm or something to those effects to give an idea of how one compares to the other. As has been said, not hard to do such a simple test and give the numbers so people have an idea. Oh and you're absolutely right Pete, not ALL marketing is shaddy and dishonest, there was the honest stuff from Buckley's, it really did taste disgusting and it really did work :skep:

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