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July 5, 2024, 12:03 p.m. -  Jotegir

Don't you recall Mike's [article]( from a few months ago in part about not fucking up your bike by putting on big tires, suspension, etc and riding it for what it was meant to be? He's like the poster child for leaving your bike how it is! And while for most bikes I'd take the opposite stance to Mike on the issue, for this particular bike, I would not. It's clear that Mondraker designed and specced this thing with a high degree of care, precision and intent to make it what it is: a trail bike that rides light, precise and efficient. It seems like this thing somehow captures the 'joy' of a cross-country-ish bike but has a 150mm front fork. That's a level of precision that I personally just woudn't wanna mess with.  Now if you said you wanted to take a Norco Optic or Rocky Instinct and long shock em' with a PUSH setup, slap a 150mm 36 on that bad boy and make it a mini-enduro bike, I'd say hell yeah. Those companies are practically begging enthusiasts to do that down the line. But this one? Nah. This is different.

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