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July 4, 2024, 7:39 a.m. -  Lynx .

Fair points Mike, just if you only had one bike and this was it and wanted to morph it into something burlier for say a day at a bike park or something, was curious just how/what the changes would/could do to the bike as it sounds like the type of bike that could do that - Nice to have a bike that can Jeckle & Hyde if you only have one sus bike, at least to me. OR, if this does it for your most aggressive riding, then how about a lighter, more XC wheel and tyre setup, does it transform enough for a true 1 bike stable with 2 wheelsets? Didn't realise you were so jam packed book with review bikes, that's always good.  Don't forget to get that Fatbike up to you before Autum, so you can continue to enjoy the riding when the snow falls, pretty sweet up where you are from what's I've seen/read.

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