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June 28, 2024, 1:41 p.m. -  Lynx .

I still run one (FD) on my Phantom and have a tringle (24/32/36t) ring setup on the Unit with a combo of wheels and cassettes from "old school" 11-34 to 11-46, depending on what tyre and/or wheel size I'm running, Generally I'm running the 36t ring for the commute to the trail or cranking out lots of flatish, pedally miles and then the 32t for trails and the 24t is just as an emergency as the knee isn't quite strong enough yet. Run a 24/34 combo on the Phantom, like to keep the flow and run either an 11-36 or 13-42 cassette. I honestly don't see all the fuss except maybe it just shows how little people like to think, seriously how hard is it to figure out when and how to shift a front derailleur and it then allows for shorter RDs and smaller & lighter cassettes where it matters and puts the weight where it doesn't matter.

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