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June 27, 2024, 8:39 a.m. -  Mike Ferrentino

No. Well, maybe. I _am_ an old guy. But the good old days sucked. I just spent a couple hours down the wormhole of linkage suspension forks to remind myself. Buuuut, one of the things about getting old, is you get to see bad ideas served up, eagerly consumed, revolted against, barfed back up and swallowed down again, and again. There are some really awesome things to celebrate in the current techno-evolutionary state of mountain biking. And there are some other things that are absolutely not worth celebrating. Personally, I WANT a drivetrain alternative to derailleurs. I celebrate the death of the front derailleur in mountain bikes, and can't wait for the rear to follow. But if it is going to drag as much as current internal gear hubs and/or idler bikes, ewwww. Maybe I don't want it that bad.

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