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June 27, 2024, 12:25 a.m. -  TristanC

I have two conflicting ideas about that, as a single speed rigid klunker guy. One, yes, it's almost reactionary; seeing people on ebikes or with robot derailleurs or whatever and thinking about how much I don't want that stuff in my life, and how simple and easy to take care of my rigid singlespeed is. Heck, spring maintenance this year? I oiled the chain, checked chain wear, checked the brake pads, greased the freehub, added some sealant, and was done. Took less than half an hour. I haven't even washed the bike for a year, and it doesn't care! Technology just makes things more complicated, man! The other: I'm not riding a rigid singlespeed because other people are putting batteries on their bikes. I'm riding a rigid singlespeed because it makes me happy and challenges me, and the high I get when I winch myself up that uber-steep climb at 10rpm is incredible (even if my heart feels like it's going to explode). It's not a thing I do in response to the general direction everyone else is going, it's a thing I do because I like doing it. Maybe someday I will not like doing it any longer, and then I will do something else. Just doing your own thing regardless of what other folks are doing is the antithesis of hyperbole and speculation, though, and it sure won't sell any bikes.

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