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June 10, 2024, 2:35 p.m. -  Michael Lee

Well written everyone, nothing like a thoughtful, well considered piece that stimulates respectful debate or dialogue that other readers can appreciate and learn a bit from!  I dunno what your secret is Canadians but y'all are doing something right, will return again and again for content like this.  Thanks Uncle Dave and commenters, for keeping both the hope and the stoke alive!   Thankfully the geo and durability of my steed seems capable of being a capable platform for development and enjoyment a good while longer, which in turn will keep me out of the market for a new bike, longer (figure it'll take me 8yrs to save up for the next one anyway!).  Like many feel acutely, I'm pained that the frame material has such a high cost on our planet, so I'm determined to stay on it as long as possible.  Instead spending on systematic upgrades when parts wear out, competing more, attending clinics, and staying on top of maintenance (trail and bike).  Supporting smaller, alternative brands or 'cottage industries' that are innovative and go about doing it while minimizing the effect on the environment, is really enjoyable.  I find that wrenching helps the mind focus less on the insanity outside of the garage or shed, and spotlights my dismal bike mechanic skills until I run out of delusional thoughts of competence or beer (strangely both often seem to happen simultaneously) which I then throw myself at the feet of my revered LBS mechanic Andy.  Tending trails is another way to enjoy the woods (besides blasting through at schralp 5) and I see more and more volunteers at every dig day to where there's more people than tools which is awesome.  In all seriousness, if I add it all up, I've spent far more in these areas than what my next build would be, but I'm doubtful that simply a new bike would have me feeling as content and good as I do about this hobby of ours.  Until I get to thinking about that new Atherton S.170 . . .

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