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June 7, 2024, 10:02 a.m. -  IslandLife

To piggy back on Deniz comments... I'm on the new 155 in size medium and I'm 5'11".  I'm only a few rides in and have been riding it exclusively in the neutral mode, and haven't noticed any of the hanging up that Deniz mentioned.  My local is similar to the shore with a good mix of slower tech, fast tech and fast flow-tech. There was another review that mentioned hanging up braking issues over square edges.  I'm beginning to think that was a set-up issue?  Last weekend I rode a trail called [Flying Dutchman](, which is fast, steep, committing, and chunky... it has lots of opportunity for hard braking over square edges... over all kinds of edges actually, ha! The best thing I can say is that I haven't been on a bike that I felt this confident on before.  Whether that was on the brakes or off them, over any kind of terrain, I felt like I could just charge.

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