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June 6, 2024, 4:43 p.m. -  Distrakted

I love NSMB for the fact that we all have this common love of bikes as part of our lives but there is space to discuss things other than head tube angles and chainstay lengths.  I have been chasing flour tortillas most of my life. I was born in San Jose California and my family lived on a block which was mostly Sicilian families living on one side and Mexican families living on the other with our back yards butting up against one another. I used to love riding my scooter around the other side to look at the lowrider cars with chain steering wheels, and incredible jobs. In fact I still think they are cool.  My families back yard was backed up against an older Mexican woman named Lupe. Sometimes I would be in the backyard and hear a whistle over at the fence line. Lupe being short in stature would not be visible but a heavenly hand would appear reaching over the fence bearing fresh handmade flour tortillas slathered in butter. It sounds simple but they were pure perfection and I have yet to find anything comparable. If I ever find it, I am going to have a full on Ratatouille moment.

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