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June 4, 2024, 9:54 p.m. -  Dave Tolnai

I hear what you're saying, I just think the danger is this turns into "not my problem".  Where do you draw the line around your garden?  Locally optimized is a tough one to define, but if the walls around your garden are too small, it's sort of inevitable.  An example?  Look at the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.  Depending on where you draw your border, the decision is going to look very different. Vancouver - A few terminal jobs, lots more marine traffic and greater risk of oil spill. British Columbia - Quite a few construction jobs, risk of leaks is quite localized. Canada - Nothing but good news and most of your risk concentrated in British Columbia World - Overall negative.  Cheaper oil.  More oil.  More risk of marine disaster. So, local decisions become global very quickly and tending to your own garden may create a giant risk for somebody else.

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