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June 4, 2024, 5:21 p.m. -  SixZeroSixOne

Timely review. I've had a pair of 45c Ramblers on my bike for just short of 4500km and need to replace them soon. But I've been indecisive about whether to replace like-for-like or take a punt on something different  As this is my first gravel bike, and I'm not a serial tire swapper, I have no other point of reference other than those Ramblers but I've taken them on most of the "gravel" trails (and some more) on the North Shore and been **very** impressed - they've found way more grip then their tread pattern suggests is possible and they're comfy enough. I don't race and I'm usually solo so speed isn't important. Still not sure what to get next, but when in doubt, stuck I usually stick with what I know I'm curious about the Land Ordinance of 1785 though...

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