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June 3, 2024, 11:54 a.m. -  Morgan Heater

Great article. I remember the first time I voted was a no for baby bush, and I thought to myself that he would be the worst president we'd ever have in my life-time. Wow. Just for funny bike specific anecdote - I'm riding a 2016 size small g16 pinion. The reach is 484, chainstays are something like 450, 64ish head angle. I've got a nice 40mm riser bar and a 35mm stem and it fits great at my 6' height with +2.5" ape index and long legs. Gear box and belt drive. Probably at least 15k miles on the bike, maybe 20. There's still brakes, tires, and suspension to maintain, but besides that it's pretty bombproof.

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