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May 27, 2024, 4:49 a.m. -  Carmel

Curious to try these, especially since my one pet peeve with the OneUps is the bearing bulge. They work with booted RF Eras though. Maybe anecdotal, but my first pair of 1Ups was quickly replaced under warranty, because the tiny outboard bearings failed and the axles got stuck in the pedal bodies The new pair has the brass bushings and has held up to a lot of abuse. I would hope the Wolftooths outer bearings last longer. On another note: The Victorinox are really good value (thinner than German chefs knives but not as fragile as some Japanese ones.) A model like this has been used in my family for 30+ years and keeps on going strong: []('s-Knives/Wood-Chef%E2%80%99s-Knife/p/5.2060.20G

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