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April 5, 2024, 7:56 a.m. -  Cooper Quinn

While I appreciate that our readers can, and should, hold us to the highest standards of integrity, I'm also not sure if we \*need\* to get that deep in the weeds on grammar, hahaha. But point taken, we can always do gooder. And yeah, I really miss that car. it was one of roughly 1200 B7 S4As that were originally Canadian (the red car was a US import). I saw it the other day parked at MEC! My car! It was tempting to offer the guy cash on the spot for it, but sadly that engine is a bit of a ticking time bomb for a $15k engine out service to replace the timing chain tensioners sandwiched against the firewall... I get my fast car kicks at Dirtfish every couple of years these days.

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