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March 13, 2024, 9:12 a.m. -  kamloops_rider

Kamloops is the 3rd fastest growing city in the country and since covid, there's been a dramatic increase of trail users.  Add in the fact that in the western world we have a 'me first attitude' and things can get spicy out there.  On the plus side, the increased users has also increased the amount of legal trails to ride compared to a few years ago which is a good thing and there is the health benefits which can help the overall population.  But there's alot user's lacking common sense and/or consideration for people other than themselves.  At the end of last riding season I saw 2 younger kids exiting the main legal trail network here on what looked to be Surron's or something where they were able to keep up with traffic without pedaling.  That's what gets me worried.

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