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March 6, 2024, 10:29 a.m. -  Mark

Well, for many people $$$ is a big factor when we're talking about an $8K toy. It's not so much about legitimizing the cost but about even being able to make it work. I agree that this new Rocky looks like it could be a great 1 bike, but if you go a different route that same amount of cash could get- you 2 bikes, maybe a slightly lesser "1" bike and a nice hardtail. I realize my comments don't directly pertain to the review of this new bike, but we seem to be at a point where innovation in terms of how a bike rides has slowed to a crawl - hence my thoughts on comparing this new ride to something much older.  It all makes me wonder where the industry is headed. If the bikes these days are pretty much dialed and and future improvements are going to be marginal, can the level of growth we've seen continue so that companies are able to sell enough new product to justify their existence? If the new bikes are pretty much perfect, how many people are going to continue to get a new bike every 1-2 years vs holding on for say 5-10 and what does that mean for the bike co's?

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