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March 6, 2024, 7:37 a.m. -  Lu Kz

I was originally excited because I thought it would be getting the same treatment as the upcoming Altitude which is _very_ exciting for Rocky.... but this is not terribly exciting. I guess that's OK, we're just at that point in bike design maturity I suppose.  Personally, this bike doesn't offer much that the last one didn't. If I was shopping I'd be looking for an on-sale 2023 model and add an angleset.  I haven't seen anything on this, but did the new frame gain or lose weight? Can you also check and see what shock size we're running, can you still squeeze a few more MM out back like the last model if you want to have something between the instinct and the altitude? EDIT: It looks like the bike is now speced with 210x55 shocks on some and 210x52.5 on others. Now the real tinker question, can you go 216x63 like back in the day.... hahahha.

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