I was looking forward to the new iteration of the Spectral after having tested the longest travel one last year. It was one of the best bikes I demoed. I rode it back to back with a YT Jeffsey. Although I think I get what Canyon is doing here, I definitely wouldn't purchase this version over the one I tested. More weight, less travel isn't the way I'd want to go. I'd probably look at the Strive with Shapeshifter instead if I wanted to pick up a Canyon.
Feb. 24, 2024, 7:46 a.m. - rolly
I was looking forward to the new iteration of the Spectral after having tested the longest travel one last year. It was one of the best bikes I demoed. I rode it back to back with a YT Jeffsey. Although I think I get what Canyon is doing here, I definitely wouldn't purchase this version over the one I tested. More weight, less travel isn't the way I'd want to go. I'd probably look at the Strive with Shapeshifter instead if I wanted to pick up a Canyon.