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Feb. 22, 2024, 1:57 p.m. -  Onawalk

I mean it might matter..... If I walk into a shop I frequent with the part hanging off thats warrantyable, and I bought the bike from that shop, I would expect that they might treat me different than if I walked in with a bit from a bike I bought online.  that feels a bit like human nature to me, and feels like a valid concern for an online purchase.  Much like if I bought something from Amazon, or bought it from Canadian Tire.  CT, I walk in, they take another off the shelf, I walk back out. Amazon, not so much.... I build a relationship with the shops I like to deal with, I bring in doughnts, I joke around, I ride with them, etc. When I walk in with 12 beer, and a broken bike that needs attention just as I'm headed out for the weekend, you can bet with confidence that I dont wait the 2 weeks that the shop is backed up to get it fixed.   Relationships are important

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