Hahaha that first paragraph is just gold.
But…. Overall while it seems like a fine bike, I think I’m reading that you were mostly just… “whelmed” by it. It’s definitely hard to stand out these days, but if you want my attention (or dollars even!), it’s going to have to be metal, serve up everything this bike does and more (minus the steering doohickey), and also (gulp) be affordable.
Feb. 22, 2024, 6:26 a.m. - ackshunW
Hahaha that first paragraph is just gold. But…. Overall while it seems like a fine bike, I think I’m reading that you were mostly just… “whelmed” by it. It’s definitely hard to stand out these days, but if you want my attention (or dollars even!), it’s going to have to be metal, serve up everything this bike does and more (minus the steering doohickey), and also (gulp) be affordable.