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Dec. 23, 2023, 6:33 p.m. -  Martin

I am all for biobased products, and I have been using WPL’s fork oil, grease, tubeless sealant and fork boost for many years. The chain lube is the only WPL product that didn’t work well in my experience, leaving a gummy and dirty chain after any ride.  That’s why I’m using Squirt for chain lube. I lube my chain like twice per 5-6 months, and never need to clean it. I just run it through my (dry) chain cleaner to remove dirt and dust, then reapply Squirt if needed. Maybe I should try WPL’s dry lube again to see if it works wel, but that will be after I’m done with my 500ml bottle of Squirt, that seeing how it’s getting used, will last me like 10-15 years 😅 One thing to note is that « biobased » could mean that the product is made with a bio-base and then get all kinds of bad chemicals added to the base. It’s hard to know what is in WPL’s products because I couldn’t find any MSDS info anywhere on their website. If there is no need to have an MSDS, just write it down on the product page and explain why, otherwise make it easy to find the info please. I don’t buy any chemical product (like paint, varnish, oil, etc) without checking the MSDS info first, so when there is none that leaves me suspicious. Oh and if you’re readingthis WPL, the new version of your sealant seems to be more liquid and leak through my E13 tires way too easily. I guess that’s the tirés fault, but the previous bottle I had didn’t do this. My tires’ sidewalls were wet all summer and sealant dripped on the floor between each rides (and they were obviously losing pressure every ride).

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