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Dec. 21, 2023, 5:46 p.m. -  BarryW

Thank you for the article Pete. I find these topics important to me and I love that NSMB makes the effort to educate us all.  Now my one big thought about WPL (and I do genuinely applaud them for their work) but when you put these admirably bio-based products into plastic bottles that will never be recycled AND contain toxic chemicals I feel very conflicted. Sure, I'm super happy to not be polluting the forest, but I am polluting once that bottle is empty.  It seems like this is the biggest issue that never gets raised when these kinds of discussions are happening. Although a bright spot for me was MucOff launching their metal spray bottles and the small packets to mix up for bike wash.  And I would also love some follow up information on how long specifically these bio-based products last in the environment. Great article though.

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