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Dec. 20, 2023, 5:28 p.m. -  Sanesh Iyer

Thank you for this article! You may be unsurprised to know that I really enjoyed reading it and am stoked that there's companies out there making changes.  A few thoughts; I think the broad sweeping statement that biobased means more easily biodegraded needs to be checked, as has already been mentioned by Justin. Sure, if you lube your chain with palm oil it'll biodegraded faster. But in my experience with other industries (photopolymers) there are companies which produce polymers that are almost chemically identical using biological feedstocks rather than petrochemical feedstocks.  That said, I love that WPL is supporting the commercialization of research in the field. Frankly, I don't care about the biodegradability today. What I do care about is the fact that I'm spending my money at a company that's actively trying to make a difference. Even if that's not a big difference now, it could be one day, as I'm sure the impacts will scale.  I'm increasingly interested in seeing what's possible in turning captured CO2 into petrochemical feedstocks (like Carbon Engineering is doing).  And, as always, WPL I'd love to see an LCA on your product vs. a generic competitor

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