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Dec. 14, 2023, 1:41 p.m. -  mrbrett

Previously I was trying to make bike specific shoes like a Trailcross or Freerider EPS work, and they're alright at best in fall/spring. Currently I have moved to a $99 North Face/Columbia/??? winter boots on sale from a big-box sporting goods store work and they work just fine for me with some aggressive pedals (Daggas). I made a drill bit to create pockets in the lugs for standard aluminum/carbide studs so I don't wipe out on the ice if I need to hike, and can add chemical toe warmers if it's really nasty. I just wish they had a little bit better laces/closures like these 45Nrth boots and I would be happy. Or, happy to just buy something similar at a bike shop with grippy rubber - ideally at approximately Freerider prices.

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