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Nov. 4, 2023, 11:39 a.m. -  Graham Driedger

You're right about having less of a compromise running the 38 at 180mm. There are a few bicycle surgeons who specialize in the steeps, (such as [Steve Vanderhoek]( who employ this to sit higher in the travel with more midstroke support. I don't notice a downside with the 180mm travel, nor do I feel like it's imbalanced with 165mm in the back.  I can't comment on taller riders steering clear of XL/XXL sizing. Yeah, there are proportional differences to be observed here that tall folks could disagree with. Again, you can't judge a bike merely by its numbers, you have to take that MF'er out for a ride. Which, unfortunately, is difficult to do without buying. Another dual-link bike, the WAO arrival, has a low stack height which doesn't seem to impede lanky folks like our very own Cam McRae.

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