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Oct. 25, 2023, 10:16 p.m. -  [email protected]

Love the article Andrew love all your work.  Hopefully I don't get a bunch of "hate".  Have read through 99% of comments. Only one person has said something positive ish about Transmission. So thought I would add my $0.02.  Have it and love it. Maybe it is only becuae it is my third year riding. Maybe becuase I am a tech geek. Maybe I do not have the years of expirence riding cable drivetrain. I do 99.99% of all my own serving, built wheels, complete lower fork service, replaced all my bearings. I have setup cable GX multiple times and honestly before upgrading to GX Transmission had no real complaints about my cable setup. Wanted under-load shifting.  I will preface got a deal on full GX drivetrain, sold a bunch of new spare cable GX parts so the cost of upgrade was low or lower. Not sure I would spend full retail. Buttttt: \- love wireless: smooth, crisp, easy to shift \- I shift 10x more while riding up and down and I do feel this has a benefit \- shifting under load is excellent: while riding up, approach a climb - shift. While riding down feel I need a little more speed - shift \- setup is a breeze. No fussy \- never broken a drivetrain comp in the past  \- liked and never had an issue with large tooth jump from 42 to 52. Actually I kinda miss that ratio - 28/42 \- takes sometime to get used to non-feedback of shifting For me battery is a non issue. Have bin that I keep my helmet, gloves, shoes, rack lock etc in. Battery is just simple to remove throw in bin and not think about. Along with my bike comp!  Is it expensive? Yes. Do I feel $1600 is worth it? Maybe if you have the cash I would. I do not but remeber did not pay retail.  I feel the "not worth it" from a cost perspective might be warranted. But from a product performance and benefit perspective I do feel it is worth it.  Keep in mind newer rider, limited expirence with different brands and models of parts in general.  But I do really enjoy my GX Transmission.  Price to value is a personal preference.  My $0.02 from someone that likes T-type.

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