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Oct. 23, 2023, 7:49 a.m. -  Andrew Major

Cheers! The way I see it for a cable version is you have to have one limit screw. That sets the derailleur position relative to the 10t cog and then the precision of the system should be such that it can hit all 12-gears and be tuned with cable tension. That said, without the ability to micro-adjust each gear, it may not be possible to get the precision-level that T-Type requires. Especially factoring on cable drag in housings etc. I’ve heard - unrelated to my work at NSMB - talk of NX AXS T-Type and I imagine we’ll see that before anything cable. Actually if I was betting a cold can of Beere Beer I’d guess SRAM will be all wireless except for sh*tbox SX and old non-clutch legacy stuff like X-5 that has had its last revision. The fact is they can’t compete on quality, performance, or durability with Shimano (and even the upstarts - MicroShift, BOX) below the NX… or really below GX level once you also factor in value.

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