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Oct. 23, 2023, 5:44 a.m. -  Alex D

So many conflicting feelings. It's a real improvement in performance, but very expensive and, as you say, totally soulless. I'm far more excited about CUES even as I accept the inevitability that Transmission will be on my next bike. There's some sadness in what feels like the end of a mechanical era for which I have deep affinity. I have derailleurs from the 70s on a shelf just for the feelings they evoke.  The question might be moot for me. My current bike is exactly what I want it to be and doesn't support UDH, so I'm grasping for reasons why I'd have a next bike at all. We've reached stability in geometry, the frames aren't getting any lighter, and widespread adoption of headset cable routing stupidity seems just as inevitable as electronic shifting. I think I'll be on the sidelines for years yet.

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