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Oct. 22, 2023, 11:25 p.m. -  Kenny

> Lots of places I’d spend money on my bike instead This is where I'm at. My old X01 eagle bits from 2017 are disintegrating.  Amortized over 6 years it's not terrible, and they've served me well, but still, the replacement cost makes me choke a little, and having worn out GX stuff in the same time period, it's not actually cheaper in the long run, IME.  So, I bought a microspline driver for my vault hub today, as it also seems xt/lx stuff can be found at 25-35% off pretty commonly at the moment.  That means I can replace derailleur/cassette/chain/shifter for less than half, even closer to a third, of the cost. That is not insignificant.

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