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Oct. 18, 2023, 11:11 a.m. -  Vik Banerjee

I just installed two 29+ CC Plus inserts. The tips in this article were pretty useful. Thanks. One thing I did differently was I couldn't pull the insert up over the rim due to the wide rims. Even after a bunch of pre-stretching it was too much tension for a chubby middle aged guy. Using my enginerd skills I figured better to use my beer belly to assist me. So I gave up on the hammer to hold the rim/insert down and flipped the wheel upside down so the insert was in place up top and I stood on the bottom of the insert with two and then one foot. That didn't require any arm/hand power....just gravity and my dad bod. Insert popped on no problem and I did the second one without pre-streching it at all. The gloves, trash can and soapy water tips all worked great. The CC adults only tire lever is great. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was easy or fun, but I'm not dreading the next tire swap on that long as it's about a year away!

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