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Oct. 2, 2023, 5 p.m. -  Andrew Major

“_Only problem is - min-max is currently broken because everything is on sale._” The one and only thing I’d say that contradicts this is that value is best calculated in $/use not purchase price. Amortize your life and all that. To me the Mochilero pant review is as much an argument for multi-use kit as about a price point. I wear these Mochilero pants regularly as pants*. I probably have as many hours in them as most folks would put in their Enduro 3.0 pants (which are great riding pants) in a year or two.  *thus far they wash up fine after a muddy ride but we’ll see how they look in the spring.  ——— That said, I agree that min-max is a bit broken when instead of choosing between an affordable price and top marks for comfort/quality/durability you can get both. There have been some awesome sales on gear as supply chains sort themselves out.  I’m not collating deals - I actually got burned a bit ago for mentioning in a piece that Kali Invader helmets were 1/2 price and then later on when the piece went live they weren’t - so I’ll just keep plugging away in a world comparing SRPs - fictional as they might be for a bit - and use cases.

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