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Sept. 28, 2023, 9:13 a.m. -  Andrew Major

“_Not the best look._” Not the best look for whom? When I write for NSMB I’m working for the general readership, not bike shops or bike brands. I’ll be stoked if I hear from friends at local shops that customers are asking for cable & housing upgrades and referencing my work. Even better if it gets back to the bike brands. Spec’ing garbage creates garbage.  ——— “\*\* (_Just the housing? Not the cable? SRAM and Shimano cables are/were different sizes, not going to be ideal to so mismatch the cable to housing._)” From the article above: “Just give me Shimano SP41 4mm housing and Shimano stainless steel shifter cables.” Also, SRAM 1.1mm cables, or NOS Shimano 1.1mm cables (if you can find them) work great in Shimano 4mm housing, as do Shimano 1.2mm cables.

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