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Sept. 28, 2023, 9:06 a.m. -  Justin White

Electronic shifting has made this even more prominent. It's getting very very hard to find the top-line suspension in a build with mechanical shifting. I want all the dials with none of the batteries, but no one seems to be selling that lately. I'm going to be super cynical and assume it's because SRAM is offering stupidly good discounts if your lineup maximizes AXS/Transmission specs, so it's in the bike companies' best short-term interests to make those specs, despite it maybe not being in the best interest of the customer (more thinking about batteries, more pollution) nor the earth (lots of virtually unrecyclable electronics that we all know is eventually just going to end up in a toxic pile somewhere for the next ten thousand years, not to mention the emissions that go into making the electronics to being with).

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