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Sept. 27, 2023, 5:02 a.m. -  FlipSide

I did try the ARC30 that came on my Spartan 2018. I flat-spotted the rear rather easily, but am still running the front. I also found that it was more difficult to get them to seat tubeless than Stan's. I found they leave too large of a gap for air to escape when the tire is mounted on the rim. I've had many Stan's rims throughout the years  26": Flow, FlowEX and ArchEX  27.5": Flow MK3: FlowEX3 29": Flow MK4 I've been really satisfied by all of them, except for the Flow MK3, which flat spotted and dented quite easily. I run the MK4 with a CushCore on the rear on my hardtail.

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