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Sept. 26, 2023, 10:26 a.m. -  Lu Kz

I don't think there are any full suspension Rockies from the last couple years that can't 'grow with the times' (except maybe the maiden and possibly the Sherpa, but let's be reasonable for a minute). I actually don't think there's anyone consistently putting out better bikes for keeping for a long time and modernizing over that same time with updates. Rocky's got: \- ride-X adjustable geometry \- non trunnion for max offset bushing options \- press in headsets with standard sizes for Anglesets \- some bikes have adjustable chainstays \- some bikes have the ability to run multiple shock sizesĀ  \- spares and frame bits support for a long, long time The slayer is a great bike. If I already owned one, there's a 0% chance I'd have any desire to get the next gen bike. I hope you can enjoy it for a long time.

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