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Sept. 26, 2023, 10:13 a.m. -  woodyak

I'd check the main drive side bearing on that 1/1. I had the same problem with both of my 1/1 hubs, purchased new 4 months apart. On the first wheel the play started out small then got really bad and then the axle cracked. I9 sent me a new axle and main bearings. When I went to replace things the drive side bearing just fell right out. The new bearing was no different, it would drop in and drop out. I contacted I9 and they sent me a new hubshell. My other wheelset on my less used bike had the beginnings of the same issue. I checked the bearing and was able to pop it out w/o effort. I9 replaced that one under warranty as well. I sold the 1/1's and swapped in DT350's instead and never looked back. Both hubs had about 1 season of riding.  Where I am in MA we have very slow techy power riding so hubs get abused here. Lots of issues with both Hydras and 1/1's in our group. Mostly clicking/popping all the time and axles breaking. The DT350 with 36T is our go to due to reliability. I run the 54T and never had a problem with many seasons of riding, but others have had the occasional issue. I just keep a 36T in my pack just in case.

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