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Sept. 26, 2023, 10:11 a.m. -  Lu Kz

But Andrew, slowly and inefficiently upgrading a new bike is one of the joys of the first season and a half of owning a fresh ride! And you're advocating to take that away from people?? Semi jokes aside, the 20 to 40 percent discounts on last year's rides really frees up a lot of options for folks to do this sort of thing, and, having looked behind the veil at the spec sheets of a couple of next year's next gen bikes, it appears geometry has peaked in this generation, with few, if any substantial geometry changes. Is the average rider really going to benefit from a (somewhat drastically, in some cases) revamped suspension design on near identical geometry, or is dropping the cash on making what is essentially a custom tailored bike going to work out better? It's not like 2020-2023 generation bikes suspension designs were crap to begin with. Maybe a custom tune and high end damper on the older design will work better than a basic shock on the fresh stuff for those of us on the far ends of the weight spectrum anyway.  As a final note re chainring size, my spouse's previous gen small norco fluid takes a 28t without any issue.

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