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Sept. 26, 2023, 9:46 a.m. -  XXX_er

The price of stuff is the price of stuff, I average out what i paid for the avocado now vs previously and so i did not forgo the avocado toast this morning  summer 21 I got a real good price for a yeti from an MD, I got rid of it with no other bike  cuz it didnt matter if she made 300k per year there were still no Yetis to buy, supply & demand eh I been sourcing parts for a 2 yr drive-train  refresh and I noticed the Calgary shops are really after my business, for some reason the cowtown shops come up in my browser,  if they ain't got it or are out of stock they ask  if I wana  leave  an e-mail and they get back real quick using a first name so I've had 3 shops trying to sell me an SDG seatpost last week  while I had been asking myself how will I ever get ahold of one of these things before spring

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