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Sept. 26, 2023, 6:02 a.m. -  Offrhodes42

I just became the happy owner of a Stumpjumper EVO alloy with a brand new shock and a brand new SR Suntour Durolux 36. I moved all the parts (GX AXS, Reverb AXS, Magura MT Thirty) from my other bike. The price I paid for the frame and fork was just a hair over what Specialized is selling just the alloy elite frame for right now. Deal hunting and patience pay off. Then I got my son a brand new Vitus Mythique as he had outgrown his old bike. That whole bike was a hair over $2,000USD. It is a good time to be a buyer. Luckily for me, when I sell my old stuff I am just looking to get rid of it and typically am lower cost than most other used sellers, so it is a good time to be a seller too if you are not being dumb with your prices.

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