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Sept. 26, 2023, 4:27 a.m. -  olaa

Absolutely true that the listed prices on used bikes still are high, but those prices are quite flexible after the seller hasn't seen any interest in months... Got a Tallboy 4 a few weeks ago, and paid 1600.- euros less than what was asked (which was already a bit lower than it would have been last year). And i was pretty much the only one showing any interest at all in that bike.  Another one that i saw was a brand new carbon Ripley, the seller didn't get any interest until it was listed at half of retail price.  That said, you are right in that a new bike might still be a better deal. As an example, Prime are selling off their bikes at 30% off. Can be hard to justify a used bike when you can get a high-end carbon bike at 4600 Euro.

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