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Sept. 25, 2023, 3:15 p.m. -  Niels van Kampenhout

The stability at speed comes at the cost of requiring harder work from the rider to move the bike around. Add to that the processing of the trail at a high speed. The bike is unfazed but is the rider? On strong days it worked for me and gave me the "EWS pro" feeling. On off days, I got tired quickly. I feel like on a less stable bike I wouldn't reach the same speed in the first place because the bike would start to feel nervous sooner. So it doesn't require as strong a rider to handle at maximum speed because the maximum speed is lower to beign with. Sure, a better skilled rider could probably go faster than me on that bike, but they would probably also be able to ride the Reign even faster than me. Basically, the harder you push the Reign, the better it gets. I found this especially the case in Low. I found Mid to be a little more 'accessible' (at the cost of stability/speed). The difference was very noticeable. Hope this helps clarify my experience.

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