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Sept. 22, 2023, 2:03 p.m. -  chris2

I have the same 2020 Reign Advanced as you Niels, and it's been a really good shore bike. Mostly Fromme tech trails but it's also been plenty of bike for Seymour shuttles while still being a strong all around pedally bike, and I do enjoy tech climbs. I was skeptical about 146mm of rear travel but that seems to be the realistic trail bike for most riders around here, paired with the 160mm fork. I've been curious about a mullet setup as I find the back wheel can get in the way on some of the really steep stuff. Not a deal breaker but if there was one thing to change. It's too bad you didn't get the opportunity to try it out this way as I was curious on your thoughts, but it sounds like there's more changes than just this to the bike so it's not an apples to apples comparison anyways. I'm now in the position to change frames and am hoping to try out a mullet setup. I like that the new frame can be run in either configuration via flip chip without have to change linkages etc. I wonder if the smaller rear wheel would bring back some of the playfulness of the previous generation.

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