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Sept. 14, 2023, 3:15 p.m. -  Bli33ard

I recently looked into flats as I haven't used flat pedals for some time, but I knew I wasn't spending a lot on what is a sacrificial part.  These newly-refined pedals look OK at a reasonable price, and while the pin setup ingeniously solves any issues with plastic pedals, I would lean towards something with "real" pins, not set screws. So I went with the world's greatest pedals of course, the MEC Transit! Shoot, now only$30, I just paid $40. Heavy and basic but in my sweet spot, they're indestructable yet disposable. While I do lust for OneUp Oil Slicks, like, no, maybe on a show bike. Maybe even these, if I want to shed the extra 140 grams! Best thing about the new CB pedals is they went back to the drawing board, made them better and you certainly can't fault them for that. Oh, and sizes.

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