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Sept. 14, 2023, 8:33 a.m. -  Andrew Major

“_It makes me wonder how long till Ferrentino and Major succumb to the lure of the battery and write a positive review on one. That will be an article that breaks the NSMB servers._” ——— “…_but I am comfortable with the suffering and the slow decaying of my speed and abilities_. _But talk to me again after a knee surgery, or a hip replacement, or a heart attack. By that point I might be ready to change my tune._” ——— I love mountain biking. So much so that I’ve been derisively referred to as a “one dimensional character” on more than one occasion. I’d like to keep doing it as long as I can, on my terms. But the silver lining of months off my bikes with my Achilles rupture was the realization that when I can’t ride on my terms I’ll do something else.  I bristle at this notion folks spread around that riding a plug-in is somehow an inevitable fate. With the unspoken ‘therefore’ being that we might all as well get on board. Certainly that’s how most brands and many shops have approached it, but in the end we choose whether to get wagged or not.  I bump into riders I know all the time who’ve at least partially switched to using a motor for mountain biking (playing bikes in the woods/not talking about commuting) and they harangue me regularly about this pending GOTCHA moment where I’ll fall to my knees and embrace the gospel that somehow an E-MTB is a Time Machine that will add hours to my days, weeks, life.  I love _mountain bicycles_ and the beautiful way they efficiently convert human potential to fun. To each their own, absolutely, but to me plug-ins don’t deliver the same experience.

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