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Sept. 13, 2023, 9:15 a.m. -  Andy Eunson

Yeah it’s a people issue not a tool issue. Ebikes, bikes and hiking boots are the tools we use to access trails. I’m on trails 6 days a week on average, many of which are heavily walked on. Or camped near maybe illegally. All users are typically respectful but all user groups have dicks. They drop sippy cups of shitty coffee beverage in the woods, huck dog poo bags in the woods, drop power bar wrappers, give shitty looks to those not using their mode of travel, ride too fast on multi use trails, ride up the road when there is a trail right there parallel to that road and ride four abreast and give you a look as you drive up that road because you’re creating a dust cloud.  To me, the ebike issue is one of making the sport too easy which creates crowded conditions which may impact all wheeled users down the road. Ebikes allow one to ride more trail in a given amount of time, more days for more people. Case in point is Joffrey Lakes. It was a hard rough hike that in itself was a filter for overcrowding. Then the trails get buffed and people show up in flip flops. Of course it was compounded by Instagram type popularity but now its permit only. Garibaldi park is permit only during the major part of the season. I can see mountain biking going that way too if it becomes more popular. Sure in a small northern town it will never be an issue but the sea to Sky north shore region it could be.  Plus’s the whole growth for growth sake makes me kind of ill. We need to grow the sport seems to be self interest in some cases. Like shops and manufacturers. Look at the car industry for examples of this thinking. Look at trucks and see what’s available. So many trucks are just giant cars with enough plush to smother you. It’s what manufacturers say we want. Cost and complexity that doesn’t really make things better. How many apps on your smart phone do you use?

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