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Sept. 13, 2023, 8:21 a.m. -  Cam McRae

I too have noticed that the anti-MTB crowd makes no distinction  between e and non e; to them we are all evil.  And I completely agree that the behaviour of mountain bikers is one of our most important issues. We get adrenalin-stoned on descents and sometimes act like bigger assholes than we normally would. An awareness of this phenomenon has enabled me to counteract it, but many don’t care.  I have also noticed a few eMTBers barging their way past riders on the climber rather than patiently waiting for a moment that makes sense. If I’m on e I avoid the climber in busy times but otherwise I’m happy to give someone time to let me by.  There is a subset of emtbers (and new mtbers) that have no idea about land use issues or advocacy. Some may come along and learn some manners but others will not but I think it’s important to politely engage those who don’t get it. I make the effort to be extra polite and friendly to civilian types I see on the trail, telling them how many more are coming if we are passing them and smiling, slowing down and engaging them. Those interactions won’t counteract a single shitty experience with some bro, but 13 of them will help. PS - I am a funny subset of sailors who has maybe sailed 20 times but more than half of those were occasions were races.

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