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Sept. 12, 2023, 3:40 p.m. -  Cam McRae

Our elapsed time was about 2:40 or so. And I'm with you in that if I was forced to choose I would undoubtedly go with a full-power eMTB because they open up more possibilities. You'll also, for now at least, find more people to ride with. My Sight VLT has a 900 Wh battery and it's incredible what you can do on it. I also like the way they ride downhill and aside from my difficulty bunny hopping, I don't find them detrimental to my riding ability. In terms of suspension performance, cornering, and descending grip, I think my 57 lb Sight performs better than an equivalent mountain bike. It'll be interesting to see how this evolves as the lower powered bikes get more powerful and the full powered bikes get lighter. I absolutely see a use case for bikes like the Heckler SL but it's far less broad than something like the Bullit or the original Heckler eMTB.

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