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Sept. 11, 2023, 7:32 a.m. -  Vik Banerjee

![]( Patagonia Houdini Vest. Packs up to nothing. Massive comfort range/impact on my trail happiness. Fit happens to suit me very well. Has been quite robust given the weight/packed size/fabric. If they made them again I'd buy two! The jacket version is a decided Meh! It does nothing really well other than pack small. If you are doing anything more than standing around it's a sweat locker. Good as an emergency layer, but not something you want to wear on the regular.  _FWIW - Patagonia does make a more breathable "Air" version of the Houdini jacket at double the cost of the base version. If you really want a packable jacket that's less sweaty and you have the treasure._

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