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Sept. 6, 2023, 6:32 a.m. -  Cr4w

To me the SRAM stuff always struck me as kind of pedestrian with a lot of shininess added to make it seem better than it is. During the depths of the Shimano brake unreliability a few years ago I got some Code RSCs which have been amazing but my new bike has 2022 XT brakes which I like much better and have performed flawlessly. I think it's funny that people see Shimano as somehow not keeping up because they didn't rush to giant cassettes (which I still don't really need) or wireless shifting (which I still don't want).  On the non-drivetrain side I've had Reverbs and they were super needy compared to the Bikeyoke Revives I have (one of which hasn't been serviced in 6 years) - I couldn't get rid of those Reverbs fast enough. I currently have a Super Deluxe Ultimate coil that could best be described as functional. But yeah, sign me up for more batteries, $900 derailleurs and $700 oil slick cassettes. I recognize that Shimano makes stuff I use and need while SRAM is making stuff that's just so much marketing-driven shiny want.

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