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Aug. 1, 2023, 12:07 p.m. -  Suns_PSD

Andrew, so I actually have inserts in all 3 bikes (2 for me, 1 for the wife, kid's bike doesn't have them) and I quit carrying a tube or a pump. Essentially last time I killed a tire it weighed 1370 grams, and no matter what we and my friends did, we could not get a tube to hold air in that thing and I ended up walking about 9 miles, in clipless shoes. So my theory now is I have an insert that I can ride home slowly on (in addition to all of the other advantages) and I just try and repair a slash using bacon strips and CO2 cartridges. But if I'm unable to repair I'll still ride back to the trail head on it just slowly and walking here and there. Worth pointing out is that tire failures are much more rare with the inserts.

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